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Terms of Use

Welcome to the EventPlus ( for information, Blog, and other related services (hereinafter referred to as the "Service"). The Service is operated by the Rosy Sky Employee Engagement Agency (hereinafter referred to as the "Website"), and both the Service and the Website's products are subject to these Terms of Use (hereinafter referred to as the "Terms"). To protect user rights, please read these Terms, Privacy Policy, and other relevant terms that will be announced in the future, and abide by the following terms before you start using the Service.

Agreement to the Terms

By using the Service or becoming a logged-in member of the Service, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agreed to accept all contents of these Terms, and fully accept the existing and future derivative or altered contents of the Service. In addition, when you use specific services of the Website, you may have to abide by the membership terms or relevant rules announced by the Website based on the nature of that particular service. The terms or relevant rules announced separately are also part of these Terms. The Website has the right to revise these Terms at any time. The revised terms will take effect immediately after being announced on the Website, replacing the old terms. If you continue to use the Service after the Terms are revised and announced, it means that you accept the revised terms and agree to comply with them. If you cannot accept these Terms, Privacy Policy, the existing or future derivative or altered contents of the Service, please email the Website's contact mailbox in accordance with the termination provisions of these Terms, cancel your membership account, and stop using the Service.


Visitor and Member Terms

General Visitors Any general visitor can view the free content of the Service, including but not limited to articles, pictures, audio and video, advertising content, etc. To use the login-limited content or products of the Service, you should first log in as a member. Before registering as a member, general visitors cannot enjoy member rights, and the Service does not provide visitors with the function of managing individual privacy settings and access records.

Member Registration

Please provide your correct, accurate, up-to-date, and complete information (hereinafter referred to as "Member Information") according to the prompts of the Service's registration content. Members should maintain and update their Member Information. If you provide incorrect, false, or incomplete information, or if the Website has reasonable grounds to suspect that the above information is incorrect, false, or incomplete, or if you violate the relevant provisions of these Terms, the Website has the right to suspend or terminate your membership and refuse your use of the Service now and in the future. Anyone can obtain the membership of the Service through the login procedure provided by the Website. If you are authorized by a company, legal entity, or other legal subject to register, you should declare and guarantee that the company or organization is legally established and effectively exists according to the law, and declare and guarantee that the company or organization has fully and legally authorized you to accept these Terms. If you accept these Terms on behalf of your employer or another legal entity, you declare and guarantee that you have complete and legal rights to ensure that your employer or other legal entity will accept the binding of these Terms and fully perform all obligations of these Terms. If you are under the age of twenty, you should have your legal representative or guardian read, understand, and agree to all contents of these Terms and their subsequent modifications and changes before registering as a member. When you complete the registration as a member, it is regarded as a guarantee to the Website that you have obtained the prior consent of the legal representative or guardian.

Membership Rights and Responsibilities

When you register as a member of this service, we provide a range of free services, including but not limited to:

Member account management

E-newsletter subscription

If members wish to use our paid products and services, they should follow the terms of each specific product or service. Members are entitled to enjoy our paid products and services only after reading and accepting the terms of paid content and completing the purchasing process.


Account Security

Currently, our website uses third-party login features provided by Google, Facebook, and Apple. We do not record passwords or any data during the login process. If you discover that your member account or password has been illegally used, or other improper usage, or if there are security vulnerabilities on our website, you should immediately notify us and provide relevant evidence. However, any actions taken by us to protect the member's rights and interests does not constitute an explicit or implicit guarantee or compensation responsibility. We do not take responsibility for illegal use of member accounts or passwords.

If you are using a public computer or other shared devices, please log out of your account after using our services. We are not responsible for any loss or damage arising from your failure to follow this regulation.


User Behavior

This service and website is a public domain, and you are legally responsible for your behavior on this service and website. You are fully responsible for the text, pictures, photos, music, videos, software, messages, data and any information you post on this service and website, as well as the data you send to other members (hereinafter referred to as "user content"). We have no control over the user content posted via this service and website, and do not guarantee its accuracy, completeness, and quality. We are not responsible for any user content, including but not limited to any errors or omissions in any user content, and any loss or damage resulting from the posting, sending emails, or transmission via this service and website.

Any user content uploaded, transmitted, entered or provided on this service and website will be considered authorized by you for us to use, modify, reproduce, publicly broadcast, distribute, issue, publicly announce, etc., based on the operation or marketing purposes of this service and website. This authorization extends to other parties as well. If you do not have the legal right to authorize others, do not arbitrarily upload, transmit, enter or provide such content to this service and website.


Prohibited Behavior

You agree not to engage in any behavior that may jeopardize the security of this service and website, prevent others from logging in, or damage the content of this service. You agree not to engage in activities that would harm the interests of this website or a third party using this service.

In compliance with the general liability stipulated above, the following behaviors must be abided by while using this service and during your membership:

You will not post any inappropriate content, including but not limited to defamation, abuse, obscenity, threats, harassment, illegal content, violations of privacy, discrimination or morally disturbing user content.

You will not post or send any advertising letters, promotional materials, junk mail, spam, direct sales or any other form of solicitation.

You will not impersonate any person or entity, or falsely state or misrepresent your relationship with any person or entity.

You will not post, transmit, or copy any content protected by copyright or trademark, or other related information without the consent of the copyright owner.

You will not use any artificial or automatic methods, other automatic search software or devices to capture, collect, index, mine the content and member information of this service, or reproduce or evade the normal browsing framework and presentation mode of this service content in any way.

You will not post, transmit, or distribute software viruses or similar malicious computer programs, files, or scripts.

You will not forge email headers or otherwise manipulate identifiers in order to disguise the origin of any information.

You will not violate any local regulations, international regulations, or any regulations with legal effect, including but not limited to netiquette, user content-related regulations, personal data processing law, etc.

If you are found to be in violation of any of the prohibited behaviors during the use of this service, we reserve the right to suspend or terminate your use of this service, and you bear all legal responsibilities.

If you notice any inappropriate behavior during the use of this service, you can report it to us through our website contact mailbox. We reserve the right to investigate user reports and take appropriate action.

Copyright Statement

The content of this service provided by this website and any information that can be viewed, heard, or obtained through other methods on this website, including but not limited to all website structures, website interfaces and screen design arrangements, web page designs, trademarks, reports, texts, videos, images, voices, and other materials, are all protected by Taiwan and international copyright law, trademark law, and related laws. The copyrights and ownership belong to this website or other rights holders. The content of this service provided by this website and any information that can be viewed, heard, or obtained through other methods is for personal, non-commercial use only. Any commercial profit-making use or use beyond a reasonable scope requires the consent of the copyright owner. In other words, without the written consent of this website, you may not reproduce, distribute, publish, publicly narrate, publicly broadcast, publicly perform, publicly transmit, publicly display, publicly issue, modify, edit, rent, sell, etc., the content of this service or the information obtained from the website. If you find any infringement of intellectual property rights while using this service, you can notify this website through the contact mailbox of this website. This website has the right to investigate and take appropriate measures.

Privacy Policy

Regarding your personal data, member data, and privacy protection, this website will be governed by the privacy policy. All terms of the privacy policy are part of these terms. Please read the privacy policy carefully.

Protection of Children and Adolescents

To ensure the safety of children and adolescents on the Internet and to avoid privacy violations, parents or guardians should fulfill the following obligations: Please read the privacy policy of this service before deciding whether to agree to provide relevant personal data, and continue to warn children and adolescents not to disclose any information about themselves or their family members (including name, phone number, address, email, photos, credit card number, etc.). When children under twelve years old use this service, their parents or guardians should accompany them throughout the process. Before adolescents aged twelve to eighteen use this service, their parents or guardians should consider whether to consent.


This website fulfills its obligations related to this service according to these terms, limited to providing this service to you with reasonable technology and knowledge and cautiously. You understand and agree that this service is provided based on the "current condition" and "existing" conditions of the website. You understand and agree that you bear the risk of using this service. Whether to decide to use or download or obtain any data through this service should be considered by you and bear any risk. You understand and agree that this website does not provide any express or implied warranty for the content of this service, including but not limited to merchantability, applicability for specific purposes, and non-infringement of others' rights. This service does not guarantee the following: This service meets your needs This service is free of interference, provided in real-time, secure and reliable, or error-free The results or information obtained through this service are accurate or reliable The use of this service will meet your expectations You understand and agree that under any circumstances, if you suffer any related loss due to the following reasons, this website will not bear any legal responsibility for this, including: Use of this service or other physical services provided by this website. Unable to use this service or other services provided by this website for any reason. Errors in the content information published on this service or website. Other issues or technical failures related to other services provided by this service or website. You understand and agree that if you suffer any related loss due to trusting the content of this service, other related service content, or any information sent to you by a member of this service, this website will not bear any legal responsibility for this. That is, any advertisements, opinions, suggestions, statements, quotes, and other content or information that any third party provides to you through this service are the responsibility of the third party. This website will not endorse, guarantee, or bear any legal responsibility for the completeness, accuracy, availability, or reliability of such information.

System Interruptions or Failures

Due to the particular nature of our online service, there may be instances of system interruptions, delays, or failures. These incidents could potentially cause inconvenience, data loss, or errors for you during your use of our service. Our website will try to address these issues promptly. However, you understand and agree that our website is not responsible for any inconvenience or damage caused by such situations, other unforeseen circumstances, or force majeure. We also do not have the obligation to restore any damaged or lost data to its original state.


Our website may provide advertisement content, including but not limited to text and images, in partnership with other businesses. All advertisement content is provided by advertisers, product, or service providers. You understand and agree that you should judge the suitability and truthfulness of the advertisement content independently, and our website is not responsible for the advertisement content.

Our website and partner businesses provide advertisements. You should not browse or click on them in any illegal manner. This includes deliberately blocking, using computer programs for clicking, instigating others to click, and other browsing behaviors deemed outside reasonable limits. If you have any questions about the advertisements provided by our website and partner businesses, please read our advertising content policy.

Third-Party Links

Our service may provide links to websites provided by third parties, whose services and content are solely the responsibility of their respective operators and are not under the management of our service. Our website cannot control the content of these websites, nor can we guarantee the quality, accuracy, or legality of the content provided by any third-party websites. You understand and agree that you should independently judge whether the content of these websites is suitable for use, and our website is not responsible for any third-party links.

Use of Cookies

Our website may use cookies in this service to provide a service that better suits your personal needs. Cookies are a kind of technology used for communication between website servers and users' browsers, and they may store some information on your computer. When you use this service, you agree to the use of cookies. However, you can limit or cancel specific cookie functions through your browser's settings, cookie control options, or the privacy control function after logging into your account. When you disable cookies, some functions of this service may be limited. If you have any requests for our website to stop collecting, processing, using, or deleting cookies, please contact our website. However, when you make the above request, you will be considered as having applied to terminate the use of this service.



You can terminate your member account at any time by emailing our website's contact mailbox.

Our website has the right to suspend or terminate your member account at any time for any reason, including but not limited to long-term non-use of the account, violation of these terms, etc. You understand and agree that if you are terminated from using this service, our website may delete your related data, and will not be responsible for you or any third party.


You understand and agree to be responsible for your actions while using any service provided by our website, and you agree to ensure that your behavior in this service will not cause damage to our website and partner units. If any third party raises any claims or requests due to your use of this service, the user content you provide or post or transmit through this service, your violation of these terms, or your infringement of anyone's rights, in addition to you being legally responsible, you also agree to compensate our website and partner units for any damage caused, and assist in resolving disputes.


Provided Services

  1. Video Courses: Members can purchase "limited-time" or "permanent viewing" video course content on our website by paying a one-time fee. After the "course begins", you can choose the course units you want to watch and learn. After the viewing authority of the time-limited course expires, you will not be able to continue watching the course. Members can repurchase the audiovisual usage rights of the course by paying a fee again.

  2. Subscription Columns: Members can "regularly" pay a fee on our website to subscribe and watch the knowledge content of the project initiator. The viewing authority for a paid subscription period is 30 days. If you do not complete the "renewal" before the 30 days expire until the authority expires, you will lose the right to use and view the column.

Transaction Behaviors and Refund Policy

  1. When members purchase paid services provided by our website, they should confirm the quantity and price of the products according to the mechanism provided by our website.

  2. When members purchase paid services provided by our website, they can exercise their rights according to the provisions of the Consumer Protection Act. If members' transaction behaviors cause doubts about this service term, it should be interpreted in favor of consumers.

  3. According to the provisions of Article 19, Paragraph 1 of the Consumer Protection Act, digital content or services can be viewed immediately once provided. Therefore, it does not belong to the category of goods within the 7-day appreciation period of the Consumer Protection Law. Please understand the course content through trial viewing before confirming payment.

  4. The "content subscription" (column) provided by our website can see all the content of the column as soon as the subscription fee is paid, and even if the next period is canceled, you will be given a complete period (30 days) of reading rights. Therefore, if you request a refund for personal factors, our website will not accept this refund request. 

  5. In the event that you have a legitimate reason to request a refund, please submit your refund request through email (​). To ensure proper identity verification, please use the email associated with your account for purchasing courses on this website. After confirming your eligibility for the refund as per the aforementioned criteria, send an email to the customer service mailbox explaining the reason for the refund. Follow the instructions and regulations provided to complete the refund process, and wait for the website to process the refund. The format for the refund request email is as follows:

  • Email subject: ___________ (Product Name) Refund Request

  • Email content:

    • Applicant's name

    • Name of the purchased course

    • Account used for the purchase

    • Reason for the refund request

  1. In regard to determining whether a refund request has exceeded the time limit, it will be based on the "time of sending the refund request email" as the criterion.

Other: These Terms of Use, Privacy Policy, and other related terms constitute the entire agreement between you and this website, governing your use of the service and superseding any prior agreements between you and this website. If any part of these terms is deemed invalid, it does not affect the validity of the remaining provisions. These terms are interpreted and governed by the laws of Hong Kong. In case of any disputes, both parties agree to first negotiate in good faith. If negotiation fails and litigation ensues, both parties agree to submit to the jurisdiction of the courts of Hong Kong as the court of first instance.

Contact Us: If you have any questions or feedback regarding these terms, please contact us at the website's contact email:​


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